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Storyteller. Social Worker, and Big Fan of the Oxford Comma

That is the short story.

The longer story is at 23 I found myself looking for houses with a tattooed boilermaker and talking about babies. I felt like I was shopping for my own chains so I left one morning and started a blog about being single. The blog took on a life of its own and ended up being about following my dreams to 7 countries and finding myself in Greece telling the stories of newly arrived refugees.


Since returning to Perth I have completed a social work degree and have worked with youth as a counselor in both regional and metro Australia.


Recently I found myself living with a man who did not see me and I felt myself disappear. I felt like I was begging for my own chains so I left one day and started the sequel about being single.


Next year I will be heading back to regional Australia for another year, and I can only hope my stories live up to the original blog

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